How to Choose the Right Equipment for Your Bee Farm

How to Choose the Right Equipment for Your Bee Farm

How to choose the right equipment for your bee farm is essential for success. Hands down, the equipment can make or break you. This is largely down to there being so many different types of bee farming gear available, so it can be genuinely overwhelming to try and sort through all of it and understand what’s really needed for your operation.

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Bee Farm Accounts and Finances

6 Thoughts to Start Your Bee Farm Accounts

For any business to be successful, including our little bee farm, we need to understand what’s happening week on week and month and month to know whether the business is heading in the right direction and that we’re achieving what we’re setting out to do. With even the most basic of financial management, this is more than possible and allows us to plan for sudden change, adjust our strategy if needed, whilst planning effectively for the future.

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Regenerative Farming in Tongue End

Regenerative Farming with Bees

Regenerative farming is of growing importance to increasingly more and more people, personally and professionally, across many different walks of life.  This is largely in

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Bee Imports - Why We Never Import Bees

Bee Importation Statement

I apologise for adding yet another bee import statement to the Internet but given it’s import and our personal business mission it did feel warranted. 

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Castellated Spacers in the Brood Box

Using Castellated Spacers in the Brood Box

The use of castellated spacers in supers is fairly common in beekeeping but when it comes to the brood box it’s a practice that many beekeepers find ill-advised. Mentors steer you away and your peers offer confused looks when you discuss it. For which there are reasons, and I’m going to talk about them here and hopefully get your thoughts on this issue, too!

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