Queen Bees for Sale UK

Queen Bees for Sale UK 2023

We differentiate and pride ourselves on the supply of locally adapted queens from the UK.

Queen Bees for Sale

Open Mated Queen 2024

Mated queen bees for sale from the UK.  Our queens are selected for desirable traits and then open mated in the south of Lincolnshire.  We continue towards introducing genetics closely linked to our native Apis Mellifera Mellifera to further strengthen their presence to ensure sustainable, local strains.

We differentiate and pride ourselves on the supply of locally adapted queens from the UK which we sell to hobbyists and bee farmers alike. All of our queens are from our own apiaries.  We don’t stock up and resell from other bee farms and we don’t bulk source queens from outside the UK.  We believe the beekeeping industry can be more self-sustaining by creating queens which have great traits and are better adapted.

Beekeeper Ric Chapman

Our head beekeeper oversees the queen rearing process, end to end

Queen Rearing Apiary

Our apiaries based in south Lincolnshire are ideal for open mating

Local Queens from the UK

We believe in the importance of locally adapted queens which have adjusted to the UK climate

Queen Bees for Sale UK

Our core interest is rearing local queen bees for sale to hobbyists and farmers within the UK

Productive Bees

We select our queens for temperament, health, and productivity.

Open Mated Queens

All of our queens are open mated and reared in the UK in our own apiaries.

The importation of queens and nucs is an increasingly prevalent and divisive issue for us here in the UK, and particularly since the ban of packages of bees from outside mainland borders.  There remains an increasing concern that these imports may result in the accidental importation of damaging pests and disease that are likely to be impactful to the bee keeping industry and UK economy.

This is a core ethos for us here at Bee Farming (beefarming.co.uk).  Supply locally adapted queen bees for sale in the UK, make it easier for buyers to trace queens to their origin, and create confidence in local genetics, and all whilst assisting the UK bee farming industry to be more self-sufficient.  The British beekeeping industry has a number of challenges to contend with already and with more farms like ours, we believe we can help strengthen hobbyists and bee farmers alike by seeking out and supplying more reliable strains.

The supply of queen bees locally ensures you’re acquiring bees that are better suited to the climate in which you’re based and ensures the ongoing survival of our local genetics of Apis Mellifera Mellifera, our native honeybee species.  Our queens are open mated in areas that contain good concentrations of our British black bee and whilst genetic mixing is inevitable we continue to strive for locally reared bees chosen for traits that are typically sought after by beekeepers.

Pepper Hill Farm – Tongue End

April 2022
Dispatch Starts
It Begins

Our queen rearing season really kicks off early and we're ready to start shipping in April.  Queens shipped in April are usually overwintered and raring to go.

May 2022
Kick Into Gear
New Queens

Newly reared and mated queens are marked and ready for dispatch.  Clipping on request only as this is not our standard practice.

June 2022
Natural Feeding
June Gap

We monitor and manage the June Gap very carefully.  We have pollen stored in preparation for this potential problem and feed natural pollen in any dearth.

July 2022
Breeder Queens

It's at this time of year we take an extra interest in genetics and start looking at potential breeding queens in readiness for overwintering for 2023.


August 2022
End of Season
Slowing Down

Our queen rearing season starts to slow down but we continue to ship and help customers address potential overwintering issues.

Queen Bee Shipping Period - Apr to Aug

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